Standard Method of Measurement - Pakistan

The title of this document is PICC Standard Method of Measurement, First Edition (May, 2010), which is abbreviated to PICCSMM1. PICCSMM1 is intended to be utilized in conjunction with the General Conditions of Contract, PICC General Specifications or any other relevant provisions provided elsewhere in the Contract Documents.

The Works shall be itemized and described in Bill of Quantities in sufficient details to enables Bidders / Tenderers to price it adequately and the method of measurement shall be stated in the Preamble to the Bills of Quantities. The Preamble shall state the methods of measurement other than PICCSMM1, if any, which are adopted while preparing the Bill of Quantities and to be used for measurement of completed parts of Works. Such methods of measurement shall comprise those not covered by the PICCSMM1.

The objective of PICCSMM1 is to set forth the procedure according to which the Bills of quantities shall be prepared, priced and the quantities expressed and measured.